Canada has a wide variety of exciting online casinos. First Perspective offers in-depth casino reviews for all major destinations in Canada and elsewhere.

We are independent experts who analyze, review and write reviews of online casinos in all Canadian provinces.
We visit each casino and share an unbiased opinion with you.
Every week we visit one or more online casinos. After our next visit, you can rest assured that we will write a comprehensive review of that establishment, talking about how the games, licenses and payouts are doing, as well as customer service and anything else we deem worthy of attention.
Our experts will help you find a fun and safe place to enjoy your favourite slots, table games or poker room.
Our website is your source for all the information you need about online casinos in Canada. Our reviews include detailed descriptions of all the games offered at each casino and contact information, payment systems, and more. Thousands of users love our site!
Being unbiased and accurate, we believe our reviews inspire confidence in our professional opinion and automatically help you make the best decision. We strive to provide only highly reliable information and materials.